I have been led astray and loved it. This was not a traditional Issan Dance event rather than a Rock Concert - Issan style. Starting at 7:00pm and continuing to 1:30am, the 5 or 6 bands rocked out from a very large stage, with a lot of production values before an appreciative crowd of close to 10,000. There was very little down time between bands. The venue was in the large open area on the west side of 3rd Road between Central Pattaya Road and North Pattaya Road.
We arrived at 9:30pm and stayed to past closing and I was entralled the entire time. Caringly, Neung and Sang kept asking me if I was tired...if I wanted to go...at least they would ask when I took a moment to sit down or they could move me away from the front of the stage. My normal response was, "Are you kidding?" It's been a long time since I've felt like a teenager in such an uninhibited and unjudgemental enviorment.
The event was very well organized and run. On arrival staff with flashlight directed our motorcycles to excellent parking (Bt20). The entrance fee was Bt100 (no farang mark up). Entering the grounds, we rented 4 plastic chairs(Bt20 each) much to my legs relief and I was please to see that most everyone had taken advantage of the chairs as well. Almost immediately we joined up with a group of boys we knew from Come-In bar and the beach. We placed our chairs so as to leave room for dancing - one for each of us and one to act as a table. Beer was about Bt30 or 35. All around the edges were venders selling drinks, food and amusements. Staff constantly patrolled through the crowd picking up the empties. There was a large mosh pit in front of the stage. I saw one small scuffle that was quickly and civilly handled by the police present.
If you are an old rock&roller and like to dance, the the music and the crowd will have you up and moving with increasing enthusiasm as the evening progresses and the beer takes effect. As with all Thai life, the people encourage and enjoy the participation of the elderly farang. When ever I stood up, 5 others got up and joined me.
The last band was hot! For an hour, sitting was not a lengthy option. Each song brought a huge roar from the crown as they rose as one and joined in boisterous singing. After 6 encores the entertainment ended but very few left for which I was happy. Groups sat and and enjoyed the moment almost like the calm after good sex.
On the way home we stopped at a open air Thai restaurant for a meal. We all glowed in happy exhaustion. Neung and Sang came up to my room to tuck me in and we all quickly fell asleep in a mass cuddle. Sometime during the night they left me in utter contentment. An absolutely great night!
Be warned...the next concert in on November 27th and the big one (WHAT???) is one December 5th. Watch out for the tall, balding farang in the mosh pitt...he gets a little carried away.
Part 2
Last night was another memorable evening with the people of Thailand. Neung, Sang and I attended the Issan Concert on 3rd Road which started at 7:00pm. It was quite a different stage presentation than the last. Where as the last was individual Issan rock bands playing, tonight was more a more traditional production with hundreds of performers and dancers, on a huge multilevel stage, with a large band and lavish costumes however the entertainment value was just as high. (Sorry about the spots on some of the photos - something, probably beer, got on the lens unnoticed.)
I felt sorry for Neung as he was a dancing fool at the last concert but because he had a wonky knee and taking meds due to a motorcycle accident, he was unable to dance much and could not drink beer.
We were joined by the two guys from Two Guys Guest House, Cho and Stewart. Stewart had planned on staying for a short time but 4 1/2 hours later he was still there and still amazed.
A giddy Cho was enammered by one of the star singers and he went into the mosh pitt to present her with a flower garland.
As the beer took hold and the music's tempo increased and the crowd reacted, dancing became contagious. Some crazy farangs forgot their ages and became teenagers again.
Not to be outdone by their seniors, Neung and Cho climb on their chairs and put on quite a performance....wonky knee and all.
It was one great night!! I can't wait for the next one. There is one on December 5th but unfortunately I will be back in the snows of Toronto with my memories, pictures and dreams. But I'll be back in March.
By the way, have I mentioned how much I've fallen for this guy.
Neung and Sang - Thank you for all the good times. Keet tung mak mak.
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